You too. God bless.

It was a long day of fun-filled adventures today! Little India food tripping, board games  shopping, board games playing (duh?!) and bridge, and visiting the magical world of Incanto! 🙂

However, at the end of the day, I was super exhausted that I was just begging for a chance to sit on my way home. Unfortunately,  as everyone rushes home, the train was super crowded so I had to stand. Hence, I stood in the middle of the carriage, between the rows of seats, in anticipation of someone alighting soon.

Fortunately, a few stops later, a couple in front of me alighted. However, instead of sitting down, I offered it to a 55-year old lady who was carrying a couple of bags. She sheepishly sat and continued to offer me the other seat. I said, “It’s okay. Seems like other people are more tired than me anyway.” Within a split second, other people simply took the seat.

The lady, then told me and my friend, “Next time you want to buy health supplements, come to my shop at Novena Gardens.” She fumbled around for some brochures and continued to explain to us what she sells. In the middle of a crowded train on long tiring weekday, I bet people were judging us and wondering why two young people are talking so loudly with an auntie. Nonetheless, I continued talking to her, engaging her in the conversation. I asked for her name (Ruth) and she asked me mine. I even asked whether she’s in the shop everyday so that I can bring my mom to “see-see.” It was heart-warming to see her excitedly talking about the products she sells as though it was the beginning of her day and I was her first customer. (Remember, we are still in the middle of the train at 1030pm).

Eventually, she told me, “I don’t offer this to everyone but since you have such a good heart and you let me sit, when you come and visit, I give you 15% discount, ok? Actually now got discount but if next time you come, I give you my member discount and points.” In addition, she shared to me how she like selling the health products (because she used it previously too) . She said, “now, that I’m 55 (that’s how I got her age), I want to help young people especially good-hearted ones like you to take care before it’s too late. Before your body pain here there, must take care, ok?”

Isn’t that just so touching?  It didn’t take too much effort for me to offer a seat, neither did it take her too much effort to offer a discount. Yet, the act of charity was exhibited there and then, between two strangers, in the fullest sense of the word.

Then, when we finally reached my destination, I told her, “I have to go now but see you okay? You take care. (big smile)” And, she said, “You too. God bless! (even bigger smile)” <—goosebumps moment right there!!!

Then, as I walk out the train doors, a huge wave of relief and happiness filled me.

Learning from the prayer of Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:10), I have been asking Him to “expand my territory.” In other words, I was asking him to send me someone who needs my help every now and then so that I can spread His love and glorify His name.

And, as I walk away, I knew that was my prayer being granted. That was Him blessing me with a “territory.” And, looking back, He has been giving me someone to help (or touch their lives) in the simplest smallest ways, every single day this week.

Today, as that woman told me “God bless,” I knew that it was God himself  blessing me at that point in time. Amen. (:


Photo Credits: cleanheartsyou

Deliver us from evil

Oh Father, you are the source of all strength. Now, that I am on a new chapter of my life, I’m sure you’ll provide me with bountiful blessing.  But, being blessed by God carries one of the greatest perils as it tends to dull our keen sense of dependence on God and make us prone to presumption. So, please help me when I get lost, especially when my human wants foreshadows your big plans for me.

Dear Lord, please keep evil and temptation far away from me.

Please keep me away from evil because for every success and blessing you bless me with, I know that temptations from evil will also come. I confess that what I think is necessary, smart, or beneficial is so often only the beautiful wrapping on sin. Please protect me from deception and keep me from making the mistake I’m most prone to when temptation comes.

Please spare me from dangerous misjudgment and keep me safe from the pain and grief that sin brings. For the dangers I can’t see or the ones I think I can risk because of my experience, pride and carelessness, put up a spiritual barrier please. Protect me by your power.

Please keep me from the powerful pull of what feels right to us but is wrong. Keep me safe from temptations that pull at my emotions and physical needs that call out to my sense of what I deserve, what I have the “right” to feel and enjoy. Because You are the source of all that is really life, direct my steps away from all that is not of You.
