A list.

This is a list of things i still wanna do for the rest of my life + things i would do if only i had no fear. so, these list will probably never be completed. but, i shall try to. I will try to.
  1. Leave myself a letter in a library book then, look for it twenty years later.
  2. Master a “plucking” guitar song (no strumming).
  3. Live in a hotel suite for a week.
  4. Milk a cow. Drink the milk.
  5. Own a pet dog. (for more than a year)
  6. Shoplift. Then, return it.
  7. Dine-and-dash!
  8. Live outside my homeland for at least a year.
  9. Complete a puzzle (500-piece?)
  10. Donate blood.
  11. Give a stranger a kidney.
  12. Create a signature dish. Be known for it.
  13. Baseball: hit a homerun.
  14. Break the car window shield with a baseball bat.
  15. Shoot with a gun.
  16. Learn how to jumpstart a car.
  17. Drive a vespa!
  18. Teach (basic) English or Math in a foreign country for half a  year.
  19. Write someone else’s life story without mentioning myself.
  20. Backpack + roadtrip.
  21. Sail a sea.
  22. Play chess until I unexpectedly beat someone, then quit forever.
  23. Live at a high altitude (mountain, rooftop, penthouse).
  24. Have a week-long silent retreat.
  25. Make a movie, even a short one.
  26. Sex on the beach – the cocktail.
  27. Sex on the beach – the act.
  28. Sex in a body of water.
  29. Be a bartender.
  30. Guest in a TV show.
  31. Learn proper sign language.
  32. Compile my old blogpost, poems, photos into one book.
  33. Get married.
  34. Get a tattoo.
  35. Be a (cool soccer) mom.
  36. Change careers.
  37. Drive a car…in Manila, Philippines.
  38. Fly off to Italy/Spain/Paris without telling anyone until I get there . Stay there for 2 weeks.
  39. Bull-riding.
  40. Bungee jumping.
  41. Mountain climbing.
  42. Skydiving.
  43. Paragliding.
  44. Para-sailing.
  45. Do a flip off a diving board. Nail it!
  46. Sing (with actions) on stage, in front of a crowd.
  47. Confess my feelings to the guy I like.
  48. Burst and scream at someone I’m pissed at.
  49. Get really really really high (but not in Singapore).
  50. Have a super duper romantic al fresco dinner date (even a picnic sounds good) wherein we will slow dance to a live music under the stars.
  51. No planning. Just list random things and blog it. —-DONE! (: