Rosary for a friend


I was at Catholic sharing session and the leader asked us to think of something to do for someone we care about and offer it up to God. Since then, I have been praying the rosary everyday and offering it up for my friend. In fact, I’ve been doing it first thing in the morning because I’d like to think that my prayer is with her through the day. It’s not that she needs help or anything. Instead, it seems that she’s doing great and standing well on her own. However, I’m afraid that she’s straying away from God and has been putting things in her hands. I’ve been in that situation (it ain’t pretty)and, as a sister in Christ, I wouldn’t want her to go through that. According to John 15:12, “Love each other as I have loved you.” and I believe that even during those times when we drift away from him and think we can do things on our own, he still looks after us, protects us, and blesses us. As such, I am praying for her. If I am wrong about her predicament, well, I at least hope that my concern can bring us closer together. And, I hope that soon enough, she’ll feel God’s love and his comforting embrace again.

How about you? Maybe you have  a friend who could use some prayers. Abstain from something or do some small deeds and offer it up for her. Your friend may not know it but God will.

Nicholas Sparks Once Said,

‎You’re going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it’s always their actions you should judge them by. It’s actions, not words, that matter.

Photo Credits: nnazub

“Will the five of us always live within a few minutes of that booth? No, that’s life, kids. But here’s what I discovered. Our booth was wherever the five of us were together.” – How I Met Your Mother