today, here and now.

today, i shall talk about the importance of being here and now.
some of us have a tendency of being trapped in the past or in continuous pursuit of the future that we forget the importance of the here and now. a mindful of what-if’s and what-might-have-been’s. we will be sitting in the middle of an exam and we will suddenly be daydreaming of what we’re gonna do to celebrate after exams. or, we will be sitting beside our boyfriend, wondering how our ex-boyfriend is doing now or if we will have ever find a future boyfriend who might be better. but, really? why don’t we just live in the now, and make the most of it. listen to every pens scribbling or that mellow heart beating. and, do your best—whatever it is. Focus on your revision, sing your heart out, dance like no one is watching, sleep like there’s no tomorrow, fart for your life, because, the past just serves as a pushing factor, for us to move on while the future serves as a pulling factor, to us look forward to. But, it is the Here and Now, that makes all the difference of what remains in the past and what is to come in the future. So, while sitting there in the middle of the exam, don’t think about yesterday’s ackward conversation or tomorrow’s shopping plans, coz, Past has already happened and Future can worry on it’s own. So, just be here, right now, with me (:

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